Let us build the infrastructure for your success, with our IT consulting and computer services!

Proudly serving Palm Beach County for over 12 years

Palm Bc Tech is the go-to team for IT services. Experienced computer service techs are always ready to help!

Call Palm Bc Tech for help with:

  • Emergency situations ( Data recovery, cyber attack, general assistance understanding technology)

  • Improving the quality of the IT support you are receiving now and would like a second opinion

  • Growing all of your I.T. needs that are not being met

Call Palm Bc Tech at (561)503-3009 or

Contact Us

Help in a crisis?

With our team here at Palm Bc Tech:

  • When emergencies happen i.e. hacking, ransomware, hardware malfunction we jump into action

  • We offer both remote and on-site services to ensure that your needs are met

  • With our state of the art equipment, we are able to get any job done

  • We get you up and running with the least amount of disruption possible

Palm Bc Tech also Serves Residents

We love to serve our community

  • We offer a wide variety of home services from virus removal to system upgrades